
Preventing Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Dental Office

At Halonen Family Dentistry, we are committed to making sure our patients are fully educated on the importance of good oral hygiene. Many patients underestimate how important it is to properly care for their teeth and gums. Besides the obvious benefit of keeping your mouth healthy so you don’t have any issues chewing and eating, good oral hygiene is also beneficial to your overall health. Modern research shows that there is a significant correlation between gum disease and heart disease. With a little bit of prevention, you can improve your oral hygiene and also take an important first step in improving your overall health.

Preventing Tooth Decay and Cavities

When it comes to causing tooth decay and cavities, plaque is public enemy number 1. The collection of plaque will slowly erode and eat through the enamel on your teeth, causing them to decay at a quicker rate. Acids and sugars in the things we eat and drink give plaque life and exacerbate the formation of cavities. It is crucial to get any cavities filled properly by your Battle Creek dentist to not only avoid any further decay of the teeth, but also avoid any pain that could be caused by the cavities. The best way to prevent cavities is by brushing your teeth and gums twice daily – when you wake up and right before you go to bed, flossing your teeth, and having a dentist preform a regular cleaning every six months.

Gum Disease

Another reason you need to keep plaque cleaned off of your teeth is the prevention of Periodontal Disease, or gum disease. This is a serious disease in which the plaque buildup systematically erodes your gums. Starting with the early stage – gingivitis – then gradually evolves into the more serious periodontitis. The worst part is that many people have gingivitis do not even realize it due to the symptoms being mild. As the disease progresses, your gums will become red and inflamed, and they can even start bleeding after you brush your teeth or chew food. Once the disease has advanced further, there will be pockets between the teeth and gums that can become infected and very painful.

Fortunately, gum disease is reversible if it is caught early on. Halonen Family Dentistry in Battle Creek can perform deep cleaning to remove the plaque and allow your gums to heal. We can also make sure that you are using proper brushing and flossing techniques to help maintain your good oral hygiene. Call and schedule an appointment today.
